[Announcement] Launch of Silver Angels Report
Edition #16: "Silver Economy: A case for market-based solutions"
Early this year, I planned to compile my research on ageing, and share it publicly. Little did we know how 2020 would turn out but here we are in December, possibly with the worst behind us and hopeful of a less restricted 2021.
I took the second half of the year to further my understanding of the ageing process, eldercare solutions available and in the process, spoke to many elders and their families, and also with entrepreneurs and experts working in the space.
The report - Silver Generation: A case for market-based solutions - captures my learning over the last 18 months.
You can read it here for free: Read Silver Angels Report
If you have any comments or thoughts, you can drop me a line on mahesh@silverangels.in. Feel free to share with your friends and family. Thank you.